Kenny’s blog!!

Ok, if you don’t know Kenny, he is my supposed friend from secondary school VS, who then came with me into VJC.

Anyway the story went as such. Both of us appealed into VJC during the PAE session, and got in because we missed by 1 point, anyway so our situation then was rather similar. So then came the fun orientation camp stuff and all, then the classes, and since we were posted to different classes, we rarely meet up anymore. then 1 day about 3 months later, i suddenly receive some sms about the friendship crap and i was like WTF!!?

Anyway he recently created a new blog to express his ranting, and its rather humorous and entertaining, so go see.



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OBAMA FOR 2012!!!

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Hey guys this will be my official first post on this new blog. i will still keep my old multiply because there are stuff there which i am too lazy to move here. i practically copied and paste the past blog posts here, so its kind of messy. Anyway its been a while since i have posted anything so today i shall post some interesting stuffs i have been doing. the reason why I’m moving to windows spaces as i got this cool app that allows me to publish my content directly from my pc using this writer, so i have more freedom regarding composition and creative creation!!

First of all, the A levels are finally over. i hope i managed to do well enough to get all As, but that remains to be known. anyway since the a levels ended, i have been doing many stuff. I just got back from an awesome trip to Hokkaido, Japan. i will try to upload some shots. then there was prom, photog outings, and now I’m planning for my Christmas party which everyone is invited to come. even strangers as its CHRISTMAS, the BEST time of the year!! Right now I’m going to give my opinions on the awesome film of the year, THE Dark Knight!! if you didn’t catch it, you’d better because its just awesome. it received a score of 9.1 on IMDB, and is currently the 3rd best film of all time!!! ranking behind the Shaw shank redemption and godfather? anyway if you think that the film sucks, you probably didn’t give it a fair trail. I’m going to give my take on this movie and why i think its simply one of the greatest this year.


I will break up this review into a few parts. Storyline. Photography. Acting. Directing.


we know that an awesome film relies heavily, but not necessarily, on a good storyline. since this is a movie, other factors like photography and acting will come into play, if not why don’t we just go read a book? so you do need to analyse these areas as well!!

i am not going to provide a synopsis of the whole film, but rather just an understanding of the film in general. Most people don’t understand the story of the film, thus dismissing it as some crap and rate like just any other action movie. i will try to show you the more abstract and deeper meaning of this story and perhaps share my appreciation for such an endeavour. In this film the joker, is a representation of perfect chaos, this is shown by his disregard for order, consequences, or even the idea of planning. his origins are unknown and his history as dark as hell. this is a way of injecting a fictional character that represents perfect and absolute disorder and chaos.

BaTman is a representation of Effective Justice. He is an outlaw who does good to the people of Gotham city, not via the law because it is ineffective. he attacks the guys he deem bad. i forgot the word for this. but this is not legal because the perspective of one cannot be taken as that of the law. o i remembered. a Vigilante. This kind of process can never be done forever for reasons i cannot explain here or this blog entry will become a book.

The district Attorney is a representation of True Justice. He fights the criminals according to the rule of law, in the court of law. Most importantly, he has a face. This shows that Justice has indeed come to gotham city, because justice without representation would mean that the justice is not reliable enough to show itself in society. This representation will give hope to the people of Gotham city. Not the uncertainty that the justice baTman previously provided, but a reliable, credible, and responsible legal representation.

Besides watching these 3 main characters battle it out in Gotham city, we also see the corruption of a naive DA, when his deeds brought danger to his door step. also we see BaTman battling with what and where he sees himself in the future of gotham city, with the uprising of this effective DA. Should he leave behind the life of BaTman? Amid all this, joker is creating so much turmoil , and no one seems to be able to stop him, except baTman. Then there was this scene where joker was trying out his personal experiment. You might not know this, but its something mentally retarded people do. they try to make others see their point of view by forcing them to do the stuff they do. EG. a cannibal adding human parts to a soup and feeding it off to people at a gathering. he calls it a social experiment. eventually he found out that the others are not like him, or what he thinks as fundamentally selfish human beings when forced to make such a decision. His experiments failed, of course, HAHA!! take that joker.


what can i say, awesome effects, and photography with great racing scenes, cars, and weapons.


acting by heath was perfect, don’t u agree? he was able to create that air of nonchalance that was so surreal. last before he died. the others were great too.


i dunoo about directing, but the film turned out great, so get the director’s cut!!

if you still don’t think its awesome i dunno what to say.

anyway on to other stuff.

prom was ok, but didn’t go to post prom, cause it was rather late, zoukout would be better anyway. to view shots, get it from the chen or any other person who brought a camera. My trip to Hokkaido was great. i skied for the first time and skied down the mountain for the first time without an instructor!! HAHA! i borrowed the ski pass from another Singaporean who was waiting around for his daughter so he decided to lend me his ski pass so i could try the mountain. Awesome experience, all must try!! Temperature was mostly –1 or –2 deg C, with 1 deg C being the warmest, so its cold. i wore 1 long sleeve shirt and 1 jacket. so 2 layers in total. it snowed from the 3rd day i was there till the end of the trip, but this year was warmer than the past few, talk about global warming, we ought to do all we can to stop it, which is why the theme for my blog will advocate this until it no longer becomes a significant threat to mankind and all the lovable creatures and plants we share this wonderful planet with. Lets have Hope.For.Humanity. (nothing to do with sudan, but i do absolutely support Human Rights)

I wish Christmas this year will be the greatest ever!! christmas party on the 22nd of DEC!! i will try to post my Christmas collection of photos later when i get them. i just found out so many photog stuff on another photographer told me about this. im still figuring out why i need to pay to take photos of models when it should be the other way round. Hmm wanted to upgrade my equipment, but going NS, so probably later. 

Now im trying to secure an internship with the legal service commission. If anyone of you know how i could get a legal internship at any firm or institute, or know any lawyers or legal related personnel please email me their contacts so i could arrange an internship. thanks!! 

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finally back here after the prelims, hope all is good, can get all As.
anyway i would have to get back to studying very soon, as the As are
just around the corner and i need and want all As and distinctions,
anyway on to the topic.

sure most of you have heard about the US credit crisis and how its
affected the world and all. during the prelims period i was tuning in
to CNN almost everyday for the democratic conventions, and then this
thing hit, together with hurricane katrina and Ike. so those were the
top news in the states. I made the following comments on a friend’s



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jim, im taking some time off all the studying since there is this 2
days gap in my exam timetable. meanwhile, let me go over some points.
it was about the same time i was doing my econs paper 2 that lehman
brothers filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and i think the
bank of america took over merill lynch for 50Bn, thats why its good to
choose Morgan Stanley, or JPmorgan instead. i have been studying the
campaign trail and the US economy for a few months now, and its due to
their risky lending that lead them to what we call a recession. US
government refuses to bail them out listing moral hazards, i will
elaborate more on this on my blog after the prelims are officially
over. hope your exams are fine and doing good.

anyway just a
note, remember that economics cannot solve everything, is just a way of
explaining certain phenomenon that we see in this world. thats why i
prefer politics. let me give you a simple example. im sure you know
what is comparative advantage. that idea seems simple, but never in
real life. many economics principles postulates that if the US switch
over to industries it were comparatively better in, their problems of
unemployment and trade deficit will be solved. all seems good on paper.
but as students we must read beyond what we are given, to better
understand the situation. In the US, there are many small towns that
form the heart and soul of the United States. these small towns have
been around for ages. only recently have they lose their comparative
advantage to countries like china for certain labour intensive
production, etc. the town thrives primarily on that production to
survive. sure we could very well force them to move off to high tech
industries to regain their CA, but in doing so, years of culture and
heritage that goes into the art and skill of their production will be
lost, and this forms part of the american spirit that i believe is
worth protecting. which is why protectionism is justified. anyway will
elaborate later, gota sleep now."

i think ultimately, people are
always going to desire for more money and in that course will make more
risky bets on certain processes, i guess that the americans loves to
take risk, but this is just an unlucky situation where their venture
just turns on them. the best way forward would be to learn from this
lesson that even seemingly stable institutions can fall overnight given
this increasingly competitive world with china and india coming up as
powerhouses economies and other countries just doing whatever they can
to stay relevant and competitive. perhaps the new administration will
take better reign of the financial institutions and more regulations
without compromising incentives would be desirable.

given the
diversification of today’s global economy, i believe that it is still
unlikely that the whole world will plunge into a depression, hopefully
china can support part of the world’s economy so that the weight on the
US will lessen.
Posted 9/17/2008 12:34 PM by UchihaSasuke90 – reply

Visit dragon_vampire88’s Xanga Site!
let’s hope that the current administration could make things better
before the new ones come in. Hope this crisis would be over as soon as
it starts. and most of all, Obama Rox! hahaha.
Posted 9/17/2008 3:41 PM by dragon_vampire88 – reply

Visit rikachan_forever’s Xanga Site!

OMG man this’s by far one of the longest comments. So, finish ur prelim now eh? how’s it?

Z’s very very analytical and resourceful indeed lol How r u Z???
Posted 9/17/2008 7:28 PM by rikachan_forever – reply

Visit dragon_vampire88’s Xanga Site!
Prelim is fine, result should be fine as well. haha.
I think Z is going to be a politician SOON! lol.

ok i shall start the elaboration.


old lehman brothers crashed, Merill Lynch forced to join up with Bank
of America to survive, Nationalisation of Mortgage lenders freddie and
fannie mac, and more stress on taxpayers as uncle sam(picture on top)
backs AIG. All of these problems should be familiar to you. Before
lehman fell, i was already studying the US economy and the mortgage
crisis as i stick with the campaign trail and understand how the
Presidential Candidates are going to correct the economy. i mean how
can you make a decision on who is good, if you don’t even know what
they are talking about in the first place right? Anyway McCain’s
policies are quite similar to that of Bush’s and i doubt there will be
any form of change. Obama’s policies are better anyway.

on to the topic. before uncle sam spent billions to correct its
financial institutions it cited moral hazards. i agree that these moral
hazards exist. This is due to uncle sam helping too many firms survive
and these firms will grow reliant on government backing and will not be
efficient, in fact such backing may be seen as supporting inefficient
firms which will otherwise not survive in this competitive world. this
was the primary reason why the fed did not want to save lehman
brothers, so the seemingly stable and strong financial firm crashed and
its securities were worthless overnight. Although i agree with this
theory, i do believe though that the backing of AIG was absolutely
necessary, and was right when they poured in 85Bn dollars to save it.
AIG is an international insurer and its downfall will cause other firms
to go down together with it creating a domino effect and the whole
economy will suffer. Times magazine explains this well in its latest
issue so go read it if possible.

2) why economics cannot solve everything.

above i gave a good example as for why economics cannot really solve
everything. this is my first year reading economics, and will continue
to understand it further. anyway the stuff we learn in school is rather
limited, hence its very important to supplement what we learn with
external research and real life applications. Don’t treat everything
learnt in books and notes as the gospel truth, but instead question
their reasoning and use in our world, this way your perspective will
mature and you will have a more "seasoned" view of our world and will
serve you well in all your endeavors. by the way the example was
achieve with some help from obama’s book the audacity of hope.

example would be, positive sentiments towards the economy, or
confidence as we know it, need not necessarily be good. This is seen in
this crisis, the really top executives screw up real bad. As people
feel that the economy could only get better, they are more likely to
take risks, leading them to lose a lot when they find out the situation
aint as rosy as they thought it was. another bad thing is the poor
regulation of these institutions. Lehman brothers borrowed 35 times its
capital, so when lenders cannot pay up, it just went straight down from
there. its a huge gamble, and you can blame it on the lack of
regulations. it was thought that less regulations meant more innovation
and more freedom. that obviously is false. in fact, not less
regulations but less obstructive regulations and more "safeguards"
regulations can ensure sustainable and stable growth, and will lessen
the probability of such a crisis happening in the first place. i have
always believed that the government and the economy must work hand in
hand to achieve progress.

Anyway continue to watch this saga
continue, and if you happen to have some investments in any financial
institution at risk, its better to just leave it, as a rush to cash in
policies will just force the banks to come up with money they don’t
have. more banks will close and we’ll be doomed.

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Hey guys,

today i shall write about my trip to the PSC scholarships fair at
orchard hotel, and maybe some other stuff that came up along with it.
Anyway this fair was of a moderate size, i would not say that it has
too many or too few organisations or boards offering scholarships. Some
organisations were more popular than others though, which meant that
some of the talks had full attendence, while some were less than half
filled. i attended one of those less popular talks, because its just
too crowded in the other rooms, and the gifts were better elsewhere
anyway. Also attended the talk by the Singapore Legal Service (at least
not so crowded). The guy graduated from Oxbridge and Havard, wow not
bad at all. Anyway i quite agreed with him than the study of law is a
rather logical process, will elaborate later.

Oh ya, i forgot to add in some funny stuff that happened. Hari came
along with me to the MHA talk, which was the one that was rather empty.
the good thing was that they gave us these goodie bag which included a
water bottle (nike shape). Haha, Hari said he wanted to give it to chen
for his birthday present, because he thought that since chen did not
attend the talk, he might not be able to receive the free bottle.
Apparently, he was wrong because chen went around the huge ballroom
looking for free stuff, and managed to compile all the free stuff
together and threw those which he felt would not be of much use to him.
LOL, when he told me that he also found the bottle, we had to ditch our
plans. I said i would give him tissue paper instead, anyway we will see
if he needs anything else besides these 2 items.

Ok jokes aside, i shall now focus on my future career choice.
Yesterday, after the scholarships fair, we decided to chiong 1 movie
before meeting up with our other friends since we were supposedly quite
early and had little to do. we rush to get tickets for Hancock, even
though chen watched it already, lol. Anyway, before the movie started
we talked about the day’s events and shared about the talks that we
attended, so we could learn the most from each other’s experiences. My
friends asked me i think for the 2nd time why i chose a career in the
law, and what if i had to defend someone who was guilty of murder.

Friends: Er, what if you were made to defend someone who has murdered someone?
ME: How did you know if he killed someone, are you making an assumption?
Friends: Then how did you know he didn’t kill anyone?
ME: did i say he didn’t kill anyone? im not making any assumptions here, you are.
Friends: OK, lets just say that he did murder someone and you had to defend him in the court of law.
ME: Alright, then it would be my legal duty to defend him to the best of my ability.
Friends: What if you won, what would it be to the victims of the crime?
Sometimes life isn’t fair and you just got to live with it, besides
these cases are rare, just pretty darn sad. I understand where you’re
coming from. But if you cannot take the stress from all these moral
dilemas, then you just aren’t build to be a lawyer.

Maybe my answer was not satisfying enough, because i mean how could you
expect me to provide a good answer with limited time and in a dark
theatre? So, i have decided to write my response here, in greater
detail my perspective.

let me start off on one of the basic principles of human rights. Man
has the right to life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness. This is just
one of the principle of the fundamental rights of humans, and how do
they come about?  Well, humans have a common understanding and repect
for one another. it is intrinsic and natural. It remains universal, and
only a unique minority will disagree with these principles, such as the
right to live. If you dun believe me, then try this: just a few days
ago, chen sent me an email entitled: monster killer. Now for those who
read it, almost all expressed their hatred towards the killer, and was
offended by the mail. If you were not at all offended in any way, then
you might be a minority. im not saying its impossible, just not very
possible. OK, now having established that, why do we all hate this
criminal? Because we believe that it was downright gross and
disgusting, and simply inhumane. This brings about my point on the
system of law in our society. the rule of law has been around for ages
since the time of men. People understood the need for some rule to
establish a peaceful and stable state of being to ensure the success
and progress of a society. we simply cannot allow killers to go around
killing people and not giving a damn. Therefore the need for law and
order was there, and so it was established, a system whereby justice
will prevail to lead the world to progression.

the rule of law today is so wide and huge, that some laws are less
universal, and not many people agree with their existence in the
context of today’s world. Therefore, in order to ensure that the laws
of the land remain relevant, constant change is necessary, decisions
made after proper debates and discussions. Even today, the law remains
relevant because of this. We are no longer using just laws of old, but
also new laws that govern many from the property of space to bioethics,
and it will only increase in time to come, with the interest of the

the inalienable rights of man remains today. One of which is the right
to remain innocent unless proved beyond a reasonable doubt to be
guilty. This simply means we cannot assume that someone is guilty or
not, we must adhere to a strict system, that of the rule of law to
ensure that the status of that person. He must be given a fair trial
and a chance to prove his innocence. That is what we fundamentally
believe in, and we should never take this away from the rights of men.
Having said this, i agree that mistakes can be made in the course of
events, due to unforseeable or uncontrollable circumstances, however we
are not god, and cannot trully know the truth, therefore we can only
with the help of a proper and effective system like the rule of law
prosecute and determine if the party is indeed guilty of such a crime.

conclusion, i agree that the rule of law is not perfect, but it is the
most effective system to date that will allow us to make that
distinction, via the use of logic, evidence, statements, and analysis
to determine the innocence of a party. We simply cannot act upon
assumptions as they might be wrong. What we can do however, is to
constantly improve the system to allow it to remain relevant to the
world. To believe the system, and to have faith in it, have faith that
it WILL bring justice to all who respect it. I guess then if you have
no faith in this system, then the study of law is simply not for you.

Thats it, my answer for your questions. i might update or change the text as i deem necessary.

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* People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.

These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the
person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to
other people!

Chen thought it would be interesting that i tried this; i thought likewise, so lets

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Well, i would feel darn sad, then again we gota move on in life. im a
cancer, so i would have lost a life partner as well wouldn’t i?

2. If you can have dreams come true, what would they be?
World Peace, Have my own island, a few yatches + private jets, did i
mention a mansion? maybe just my aspirations coming true would be

3. What will your dream wedding be like?
   Chen might have cope this idea from me… anyway its in space, let me show you the brochure (im not kidding)


4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
   Nope, sure and confident of my destiny!!

5. What’s your ideal lover like?

   i guess this leaves to be discovered, most probably someone who can match my personalities and likes.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
   loving someone. "To love is better than never getting loved at all"

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
   Depends on the situation, not too long in fact.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
   Move along.

9. Is there anything that’s made you unhappy these days?
   Stressful JC LIFE!

10. Is being tagged fun?
    Its ok, since we can learn more about others.

11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
    Maybe more successful in life? working for UN OR AIUSA in brookyln, NEW YORK CITY!

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
    Friends, respectable folks and likes of that.

13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
    INquisitive + curious + too much time on his/her hands

14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
    i rather the first than the second

15. What’s the first thing you do every morning?
    Make me bed.

16. Would you give it all in a relationship?
    Most probably, im a cancer.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Depends. Who sets these questions anyway? can i set mine? Whats the
difference between democrat and a republican would be good.

18. What type of friends do you like?
    Like and dissimilar. so i get to know many kinds of folks.

19. What type of friends do you dislike?
    those whoose true intention differ far from true friendship.

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hey guys,

im here to blog about the first quarter final of the euro 2008 matches, GERMANY VS PORTUGAL.

i placed my hopes in Germany, and they took the win with a 3-2 score. Germany
is my second favourite nation for soccer, only after Italy, the azzuri,
which is my first. So i shall be supporting these 2 nations. Try to
catch croatia vs turkey tonight. Croatia will most probably win, but
who knows, the odds might change!!!

Here’s bastian, the man of the match! OK!

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Heyya people,

has been some time since i updated the blog, but since many people keep
saying i rarely update, i decide to spend some time to write about some
of the significant happenings that i am paying some attention to. This
is how it works. Every week, i will
scour the INTERNET and newspapers and magazines to find interesting
stuff happening around the world. These news are not necessarily well
known, but i chose them because im very interested in them. OK lets

1) The house of lords!!

article here

this is about a top briton hacker, Gary McKinnon, who supposedly
carried out the largest, "biggest military computer hack of all time".
case has been presented to the house of lords, who are the top in the
judiciary in the UK. In case you do not know, the house of lords deal
only with the most significant and important cases. Apparently his
lawyers are claiming that extradition to the US might violate his human
rights. As an aspiring Human Rights lawyer, i believe that there are
grounds to exercise this claim. It is disappointing to find that the
high court judges deem it otherwise. Go read it !!

2) Swedish Left Party Wants to Legalize Piracy

is 1 controversial topic. For all those who believe strictly that
piracy is a definite bad thing, here is a different perspective which
you might want to look at first, maybe for an overall view?

on to matters. this article is interesting. we all know that piracy in
sweden is a very hot topic. some quotes from the passage.

“To many of us in the Left Party, file sharing is something positive in the same obvious way that public libraries are,” the motion read, going on to describe the general opinion on file sharing in Sweden.

“We obviously want to be the cultural workers’ party in the future, but legislation which makes the majority of the adult population criminals must be changed,”

We now see a younger
generation questioning copyright more and more, and with that there
will be demands for updated copyright legislation. We need a
legislation that is accepted by as many as possible
, says Annie Johansson, the Center Party’s spokesperson on copyright.

and please discuss, i hate seeing pathetic and retarded comments on my
board, the reason why i got the board was to allow discussion.

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just a quick update today, this post is actually just to focus on an
event which shocked me when i looked at the headlines, will proceed to
talk about it soon.

Firstly, an update on Barack Obama. Since
everyone knows I’m supporting him, they tried to get my hopes down by
saying he lost kentucky today… So just to reassure everyone that this
lost most probably will not affect him in any way, here’s the news from

Obama ‘within reach’ of victory

Mr Obama has won the most delegates in the primary contests so far

Barack Obama says he is close to securing the Democratic Party’s
nomination to run in the US presidential election in November.

Pledged delegates: 3,253
Super-delegates: 797
Total delegates needed for nomination: 2,026
Delegates for Barack Obama: 1,961 (1,654 pledged, 307 super-delegates)
Delegates for Hillary Clinton: 1,779 (1,500 pledged, 279 super-delegates)

Source: Associated Press, as of 1551 BST on 21 May

Full report here

on to the the issue i was talking about. Apparently, Eleven women
accused of being witches have been burned to death by a mob in the west
of Kenya, read report here. 

is surprising that even in this modern age, such events are actually
still happening. witches being burnt. There are many serious violations
of human rights in this issue, will address them when i have time.

i met old friend Jim at the A div soccer finals which we lost 2-1,
because the opponents cheated(their goal post was smaller). lol just
kidding. Anyway it was a good game, maybe they deserved it, our players
were just not on form, just look at the passes!! Maybe next year huh?
By the way, im only adding this in because my friends commented my blog
was too political, even when i told them its a political and
intellectual blog… i shall try to add more of my personal life, but
most of my life is about politics anyway, so wt…..

hmm, LOL
Chen blog compete in the top blog award, totally joke. ok now im
talking abt other people while on my blog, should stop this.
Singaporeans, remember to watch out for our Pedra Branca on Friday. The
International Court of Justice (ICJ) will deliver its decision on which
country has sovereignty over the island and its rocky outcrops, Middle
Rocks and South Ledge. So exciting , LOL! 

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ok after some weeks, im back to give my blog a new look, but very little time, so i shall just put up some content.

First off, congratulations to Mr. K Shanmugam, new Minister for Law. Im sure he will do a great job for our justice system, and he is from NUS too!
Anyway moving on, Edwards just endorsed Barack Obama, shall put up some shots, again from bbc website.

Here’s a picture of one of my favourite books,
full report here at Newyork times.

the endorsement from Edwards, i believe that Obama will get the
democrats vote and move on to defeat McCain, thereby claiming the white
house on Nov 4th. I already expected this when he got those many votes
on super tuesday.

Hmm i can’t think of anything else to write, so i shall post a pigeon video. HAHA! go check it out on the video section.

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